American Notes by Eyobong Ita
Folks, the Donald Trump campaign reminds me of Wheel of Fortune, the popular American game show where contestant win money and other prizes by guessing hidden letters and phrases to try and solve the puzzle. At a certain point in the game, a contestant who thinks he/she knows enough of the hidden phrase will tell the host that he or she is ready to solve the puzzle. Folks, within 24 days to the U.S. Presidential Elections, playing the role of a contestant on wheel of fortune, I think I'm ready to solve this puzzle: "This Race is Over."
For month the handwriting has been threatening to be written on the wall, but the charismatic Trumpster has always found a way to dribble out of collapse. Like a rock star seen as a messiah by his core supporters, Trump got away with so much that he began to believe he was untouchable Problem is, he hasn't made much gains outside his core supporters, and he can't win with only his supporters. Right now, Trump's self-inflicted wounds are huge that he is politically in a coma,, on life support. Barring any unexpected earth-shattering revelation against Hillary Clinton, Trump will not come out of this coma as the plug will finally be pulled on November 8.
Mind you, Hillary is far cry from a perfect candidate. she's not Bill Clinton and by no means Barack Obama. She has so much political baggage that by no Republican candidates Trump defeated at the primaries would have given her a run for her money with good chance of defeating her. But Trump is a perfect gift for Hillary and Democrats. From one potential political suicidal act to another - demeaning women, insulting blacks and latinos, mocking a disabled journalist, saying outrageous things and then denying them even when caught in tae, refusing to release his taxes and admitting that he has not been playing federal income tax for year only when the New York Times exposed three pages of his 1995 tax documents. The real surprise is that a man with as much moral decay as trump (with highly publicized extra-marital affairs and equally publicized divorce soap operas) could have the nerve to play holier than thou against Bill Clinton.
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